Page 92 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 92

2020-21 Proposed Budget Changes by Department
              Category   Department               Blue Book Item Title            Dollars         Positions
                                                                                               Regular   Reso
                      Increased Services
                      4-Increased     Enhanced Co-Location Small Cell Communication
                      Services        Attachment                                      980,710         -      -
                                                                                      343,786         -      3
                                      Enhanced Copper Wire Theft Replacement Program
                                      Enhanced Metro Annual Work Program               74,407         -      1
                                      Financial Management                             94,123         -      1
                                      Street Lighting Maintenance Support             621,430         -      4
                      Efficiencies to Services
                      7-Efficiencies to
                      Services        Expense Account Reductions                     (200,000)        -      -
                                      Hiring Freeze Policy                           (148,509)        -      -
                                      One-Time Salary Reduction                      (800,000)        -      -
                      Reduced Services
                      8-Reduced                                                    (2,950,151)        -      -
                      Services        Furlough Program
                                                              Proposed Changes        581,817         -    124
                                      Total                                         39,725,133      210    124

            Bureau of Street Services
                       Adopted Budget
                                      2019-20 Adopted Budget                       208,858,917      942    487
                                                                 Adopted Budget    208,858,917      942    487
                      Other Changes or Adjustments
                      10-Other Changes
                      or Adjustments  Pavement Preservation                       (23,996,188)        -      -
                                      Street Renewal Division Support                  (1,922)        -      -
                      Obligatory Changes
                      1-Obligatory                                                  2,047,096         -      -
                      Changes         2019-20 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                      2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment        715,068         -      -
                                      Change in Number of Working Days               (292,593)        -      -
                                      Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions  4,731,772        -      -
                                      Salary Step and Turnover Effect              (3,126,386)        -      -
                      Deletion of One-Time Services
                      2-Deletion of One-
                      Time Services   Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities  (30,822,705)    -      -
                                      Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding        (27,812,615)        -      -
                                      Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding          (1,317,505)        -      -
                      Continuation of Services
                      3-Continuation of                                               680,376         -      -
                      Services        Asphalt Repair
                                      Citywide Sidewalk and Park Vending Program    2,298,206         -     20
                                      Complete Streets - Sidewalks                         -          -     54
                                                                                    3,272,769         -     44
                                      Complete Streets - Street Reconstruction and Trees
                                      Dead Tree and Stump Removal                   1,307,143         -     16
                                      Executive Support Staff                         157,842         2      -
                                      Failed Street Reconstruction                  13,480,056        -     28
                                      Great Streets Initiative                      1,549,479         -     13
                                      Hollywood Blvd Enforcement & 1st Amendment      497,102         -      5
                                                                                      594,530         -      5
                                      Implementation of Bikeways and Pedestrian Facilities

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