Page 168 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 1
P. 168

Civil, Human Rights and Equity

                                 Commission Oversight and Discrimination Enforcement
                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Deletion of One-Time Services

             5. Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities                  (269,111)         -     (435,069)
                Delete funding for six resolution authority positions. An
                additional 14 positions were approved during 2020-21.
                Resolution authorities are reviewed annually and continued
                only if sufficient funding is available to maintain the current
                service level. Related costs consist of employee benefits.

                Six positions are continued:
                Commission Oversight and Discrimination Enforcement (Six

                14 positions approved during 2020-21 are continued:
                Commission Oversight and Discrimination Enforcement (Two
                Public Outreach, Equity, and Empowerment (12 Positions)
                SG: ($269,111)
                Related Costs: ($165,958)
             6. Deletion of One-Time Equipment Funding                           (49,972)         -       (49,972)
                Delete one-time funding for equipment purchases.
                EQ: ($49,972)
             7. Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding                              (1,050)         -        (1,050)
                Delete one-time Salaries, As-Needed funding.
                SAN: ($1,050)

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