Page 79 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 79

2021-22 Proposed Budget Changes by Department

             Category    Department              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                                Regular    Reso
                      Separation Incentive Program
                      Incentive      Separation Incentive Program                   (5,184,776)      (45)       -
                                     Separation Incentive Program Cash Payment       2,731,041          -       -
                      Obligatory Changes
                      Changes        2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment         (448,997)         -       -
                                     2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment           57,838          -       -
                                     Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions   7,020,532          -       -
                                     Salary Step and Turnover Effect                  (321,372)         -       -
                      Deletion of One-Time Services
                      2-Deletion of
                      One-Time       Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities   (901,805)         -       -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding           (8,125,417)         -       -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Special Funding           (4,280,000)         -       -
                      Continuation of Services
                      3-Continuation of                                                408,355          -       -
                      Services       Citywide Email and Collaboration Tools
                                     Citywide Fiber Optic Network Replacement        3,283,981          -       -
                                     CyberLabLA                                        228,746          2       -
                                     Human Resources and Payroll Project            14,193,095          -       -
                                     Human Resources and Payroll Project Staffing      406,103          -       4
                                     LAPD and LAFD Radio Infrastructure Repairs      3,765,842          -       -
                                     Mobile Worker Program                             700,000          -       -
                                     Obsolete Equipment Replacement                  2,000,000          -       -
                                     Public Information and Social Media Infrastructure  142,000        -       -
                                     Remote Virtual Meeting Licenses                    87,000          -       -
                                     Remote Worker Licenses                            770,000          -       -
                      Increased Services
                      Services       Multilingual MyLA311 Mobile Application            95,680          -       -
                                     Regional Procurement Portal                       699,000          -       -
                      Restoration of Services
                      5-Restoration of                                                 768,268          -       -
                      Services       Restoration of One-Time Expense Funding
                      Efficiencies to Services
                      7-Efficiencies to
                      Services       Expense Account Reductions                     (1,568,199)         -       -
                      Transfer of Services
                      9-Transfer of                                                   (453,817)       (4)       -
                      Services       LATAX System Support
                                     Mobile Worker Program Funding Transfer            (65,887)         -       -
                                                             Proposed Changes       16,207,211       (47)       4
                                     Total                                         113,584,263        395       4

                      Adopted Budget
                                     2020-21 Adopted Budget                          8,559,614         94       -
                                                                Adopted Budget       8,559,614         94       -
                      Separation Incentive Program
                      Incentive      Separation Incentive Program                     (241,201)         -       -
                                     Separation Incentive Program Cash Payment         126,891          -       -

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