Page 182 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 182
2020-21 2021-22 2021-22 2022-23
Actual Adopted Estimated Program/Code/Description Contract
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Amount
Citywide Planning - BB6801
$ 200,000 $ 600,000 $ 1,058,000 1. General Plan update ..................................................................................... $ -
2. California Environmenal Quality Act screening criteria,
50,000 100,000 176,000 impact analysis, guidelines, and updates....................................................... 100,000
- - - 3. Housing Element implementation.................................................................. 30,000
14,570 - 109,000 4. Great Streets Corridors.................................................................................. -
380,974 - 381,000 5. Code studies.................................................................................................. -
$ 645,544 $ 700,000 $ 1,724,000 Citywide Planning Total $ 130,000
Community Planning - BB6802
$ 273,073 $ 487,407 $ 1,462,000 6. New community plan program studies........................................................... $ 487,407
682,179 1,000,000 3,000,000 7. Expanded community planning program........................................................ 750,000
$ 955,252 $ 1,487,407 $ 4,462,000 Community Planning Total $ 1,237,407
Historic Resources - BB6803
$ 31,032 $ - $ - 8. SurveyLA........................................................................................................ $ -
55,391 70,000 70,000 9. Mills Act.......................................................................................................... 70,000
70,131 70,000 71,000 10. Mills Act Periodic Inspection Program coordination....................................... 70,000
$ 156,554 $ 140,000 $ 141,000 Historic Resources Total $ 140,000
Development Services - BB6804
$ 417,893 $ 1,464,825 $ 1,469,000 11. Home-sharing platform................................................................................... $ 719,000
10,000 300,000 300,000 12. Municipal planning and land use fee studies................................................. 100,000
- 200,000 200,000 13. Training and educational programs................................................................ -
$ 427,893 $ 1,964,825 $ 1,969,000 Development Services Total $ 819,000
Neighborhood Initiatives and Transit Oriented Planning - BB6805
$ - $ 200,000 $ 597,000 14. Transit-oriented community specific plans .................................................... $ -
- 200,000 596,000 15. 710 freeway corridor outreach consultants.................................................... -
$ - $ 400,000 $ 1,193,000 Neighborhood Initiatives and Transit Oriented Planning Total $ -
Geographic Project Planning - BB6806
$ 13,647 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 16. Courier services............................................................................................. $ 15,000
$ 13,647 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Geographic Project Planning Total $ 15,000
Major Projects and Project Plan Support - BB6807
$ 454,900 $ 500,000 $ 507,000 17. Environmental review services....................................................................... $ 500,000
$ 454,900 $ 500,000 $ 507,000 Major Projects and Project Plan Support Total $ 500,000
Technology Support - BB6849
$ 3,232,389 $ 3,500,521 $ 3,500,000 18. Technology support and maintenance........................................................... $ 3,500,521
34,155 - - 19. Web development.......................................................................................... -
59,120 - - 20. Hardware and software maintenance............................................................. -
57,149 - 40,000 21. ZIMAS integration with HistoricPlacesLA....................................................... -
$ 3,382,813 $ 3,500,521 $ 3,540,000 Technology Support Total $ 3,500,521