Page 183 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 183

                                      DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

              2020-21      2021-22      2021-22                                                           2022-23
              Actual      Adopted      Estimated                  Program/Code/Description                Contract
            Expenditures   Budget     Expenditures                                                        Amount
                                                   General Administration and Support - BB6850

          $           53,206  $           26,843  $           27,000  22. Cellular phone and handheld usage and maintenance..................................  $           26,843
                    108,333          112,346          112,000  23. Copier lease, usage, and maintenance..........................................................          112,346
                        9,843            14,000            14,000  24. Miscellaneous facility maintenance................................................................            14,000
                      31,998            30,000            30,000  25. Public meeting mailing and interpretation services........................................            30,000
                      44,192          100,000          370,000  26. Department-wide training...............................................................................          100,000

          $         247,572  $         283,189  $         553,000      General Administration and Support Total  $         283,189
          $      6,284,175  $      8,990,942  $    14,104,000       TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $      6,625,117

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