Page 259 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 259
ADA Compliance
Priority Outcome: Create a more livable and sustainable city
This program oversees the City's compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and provides
training and technical assistance for compliance with disability law through its Community Outreach Resource
Center, Braille and sign language interpretation (SLI) services, computer assistance real-time transcription
(CART), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act on the rights of people with disabilities assistance, and
management of federal and state grants.
Program Changes Direct Cost Positions Total Cost
Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs 202,515 - 270,189
Related costs consist of employee benefits.
SG: $200,515 SOT: $2,000
Related Costs: $67,674
Continuation of Services
10. CASp On-Call Contract - - -
Continue one-time funding for contractual services to assess
City facilities for ADA compliance. The assessments will be
performed by service providers who are Certified Access
Specialists (CASp), as defined by California Senate Bill 1186.
Funding will be transferred from the CASp Certification and
Training Fund to the Department's Contractual Services
Account during the year.
11. Lead CASp - - -
Continue one-time funding for contractual services for a lead
Certified Access Specialist (CASp) position. This position will
directly support the City's ADA Compliance Officer and be the
primary staff to be deployed to City facilities to address
possible ADA violations. Funding will be transferred from the
CASp Certification and Training Fund to the Department's
Contractual Services Account during the year.