Page 366 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 366

CTIEP – Clean Water

                                                                                 2021-22            2022-23
                                                                            Adopted Budget      Proposed Budget

             Collection System                                              $      90,931,000   $     $94,812,000
             A significant portion of the Capital Program for this category reflects
             CSSA  requirements.  Funds  are  provided  for  other  sewer
             rehabilitations, miscellaneous replacement projects, and emergency
             sewer repairs.

             Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant                            32,798,000           78,178,000
             Planned expenditures include maintenance for the Donald C. Tillman
             Advanced Water Purification Facility, berm improvements, and other
             equipment replacement.

             Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant                                     67,287,000           58,662,000
             Planned expenditures include development of the Los Angeles World
             Airport Advanced Water Treatment Facility, primary tank upgrades,
             perimeter  road  improvements,  headworks  upgrades,  standard
             equipment replacement, and other upgrade projects.

             Los Angeles - Glendale Water Reclamation Plant                       24,769,000           40,823,000
             Planned  expenditures  include  development  of  the  LA-Glendale
             Advanced Water Purification Demonstration Facility, development of
             the Personnel Building facility, preliminary treatment improvements,
             primary  effluent  equalization  storage  improvements,  and  standard
             equipment replacement.

             Pumping Plants                                                       19,158,000           10,637,000
             Planned expenditures include water system control integration and
             the Venice Auxiliary Pumping Plant improvements.

             System-wide                                                          37,997,318           54,911,000
             Planned  expenditures  include  the  Machado  Lake  Pipeline  Eastern
             Reach  and  miscellaneous  system-wide  activities  such  as  facilities
             planning and design, equipment replacement, construction services,
             and equipment upgrade or replacement.

             Terminal Island Water Reclamation Plant                              28,629,000           30,998,000
             Planned  expenditures  include  microfiltration  system  replacement,
             final  tanks  skimmer  system  replacement,  digester  insulation
             replacement, and standard equipment replacement.

                                                    TOTAL CLEAN WATER
                        CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURE PROGRAM             $      301,569,318   $        369,021,000

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