Page 361 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 361
The 2022-23 Proposed Budget for the Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program (CTIEP) relates
to current year funding as follows:
General Fund Special Funds Total Other Funds**
2021-22 Adopted Budget $ 111,694,771 $ 357,855,813 $ 469,550,584 $ 135,890,240
2022-23 Proposed Budget $ 53,248,177 $ 474,834,072 $ 528,082,249 $ 139,059,815
Change from 2021-22 Budget $ (58,446,594) $ 116,978,259 $ 58,531,665 $ 3,169,575
% Change (52.3%) 32.7% 12.5% 2.3%
* Other funds consist of General Obligation (GO) Bonds and Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles (MICLA) financing. The
amounts from these funds are provided for informational purposes only.
The CTIEP provides for the use of special funds for eligible capital and technology infrastructure improvements and
General Fund financing of necessary capital improvements for which special fund financing is unavailable or
The City’s Financial Policies recommend the programming of 1.5 percent of General Fund revenue to fund capital
or infrastructure improvements. For 2022-23, General Fund revenues are projected to be $7.46 billion, resulting in
a 1.5 percent target totaling $111.9 million. The 2022-23 Proposed CTIEP General Fund financing totals
$53.2 million. An additional $17.9 million in General Fund is provided for sidewalk repairs and $30.5 million in
General Fund is provided for the Pavement Preservation Program. Therefore, the Proposed Budget allocates a
total of $101.6 million or 1.36 percent in General Fund for capital and technology infrastructure improvements.
The 2022-23 Proposed CTIEP Budget is separated into four major program categories, as summarized below:
Clean Water
This category includes the Clean Water projects funded from the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund. Clean
Water has been developed as a separate program to reflect the conversion to an enterprise operation to support
revenue bonds.
Municipal Facilities
This category includes the construction or improvement of City-owned structures and facilities such as parks,
libraries, fire and police stations, yards, and shops. Funds for these projects are provided from the General Fund
and various special funds. Other funds identified in the summary above include lease financing through the
Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles (MICLA).
Physical Plant
This category includes a variety of watershed management, street, and street lighting projects. These projects are
primarily funded by the General Fund, Measure W Local Return Fund, Measure M Local Return Fund, Measure R
Local Return Fund, Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Special (SB1) Fund, Special Gas Tax
Improvement Fund, and Street Damage Restoration Fee Fund. All of these funds will provide for the following types
of projects: flood control and pollution abatement, storm damage repair, street widening and reconstruction, street
lighting, traffic control, bikeways, and water quality improvement. Other funds identified in the summary above
include projects funded by the Proposition O General Obligation Bond which are handled outside the budget.