Page 538 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 538
Homeless Budget
2021-22 Adopted 2022-23 Proposed
Budget Budget
● Homeless Engagement Teams (HETs) - Comprehensive Cleaning and Rapid 1,961,359 -
Engagement (CARE and CARE+) Teams – Funding was provided for 13 HETs
conduct direct outreach, in conjunction with Los Angeles Police Department
CARE and CARE+ teams formerly known as Homeless Outreach and
Partnership Endeavor (HOPE) teams, to homeless individuals who typically do
not seek shelter or service programs of their own initiative. This outreach
facilitated better access to City and County homeless resources, including the
Coordinated Entry System. In 2022-23, funding is continued under LAHSA-HET.
● Rental Registry Program – Funding was provided to upgrade the Rental 750,000 -
Registry Program to incorporate programs for landlords, renters, evictions, code
violations, and renters rights.
● LAHSA-HET – Funding is provided for the City’s street-based homelessness - 8,122,464
strategies that are focused on conducting outreach and engagement; expanding
hygiene, sanitation, and storage options for people living on the streets;
increasing diversion opportunities for people experiencing homelessness; and
expanding collaborations with stakeholders. Homeless outreach, primarily
conducted through Homeless Engagement Teams (HETs), access and
navigation centers, and storage programs continue to provide critical services to
connect unsheltered residents with support services and housing resources. For
2022-23, HETs was restructured to include general HETs and HETs-
Comprehensive Cleaning and Rapid Engagement Plus (CARE+) Teams. Funding
for HETs was decreased to account for a shift of funding to the Unappropriated
Balance for contingent expenditures.
● Solid Ground Program – Funding was provided for program and staff costs. In 4,000,000 -
2022-23, funding is provided in the Community Investment for Families
Unappropriated Balance Subtotal 19,435,824 8,122,464
Total LAHSA, City Departments, Non-Departmental, and UB 801,649,246 1,163,077,204