Page 540 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 540

Homeless Budget

               Adopted                                                                               Proposed
               Budget                                                                                 Budget
                2021-22                                                                              2022-23
                            3  American Rescue Plan - HOME Investment Partnerships Program Fund:
                       60,000,000  Homeless Services..................................................................................................................  --
                  19,891,031    Homeless Prevention and Eviction Defense...........................................................................  --
                       20,000,000  Affordable Housing..................................................................................................................  --
                       --       Homekey 2.0 Permanent Supportive Housing........................................................................              58,000,000
                       99,891,031  American Rescue Plan - HOME Investment Partnerships Program Fund Subtotal              58,000,000
                             Community Development Block Grant:
                       --       Homekey 2.0 Permanent Supportive Housing........................................................................              11,763,938
                       --    Community Development Block Grant Subtotal                                       11,763,938
                             Community Development Block Grant - COVID-19:
                       --       Homekey 2.0 Permanent Supportive Housing........................................................................              10,488,548
                             Community Development Block Grant-COVID-19  Subtotal                             10,488,548
                       --    Emergency Solutions Grant - COVID-19:                                      2,048,743
                             Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program Grant:
                   1,185,920    A Bridge Home Projects (Construction & Operations)............................................................  --
                     77,235     City Administrative Officer........................................................................................................  --

                    194,926     City Attorney.............................................................................................................................  --
                    128,446     General Services......................................................................................................................  --
                    298,272     Mayor........................................................................................................................................  --
                    384,538     Public Works, Bureau of Engineering.....................................................................................  --
                       32,686,217  Other Programs........................................................................................................................                7,216,767
                       34,955,554  Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program Grant Subtotal                7,216,767
                             Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention 2 Program Grant:
                       --       COVID-19 Homelessness Roadmap Operating Costs...........................................................              31,226,886
                       --       A Bridge Home (ABH) Operating Costs..................................................................................                7,894,350
                       --       Street Strategy, Outreach, Public Health, and Hygiene - Citywide and Skid Row ................                8,117,514
                       --       Youth Experiencing Homelessness or At Risk of Homelessness...........................................                4,446,000
                       --       Administrative Costs................................................................................................................                3,890,250
                       29,901,289  4  Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program Grant 2 Subtotal              55,575,000
                       --    Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention 3 Program Grant (Pending):               28,728,000
                             Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles (MICLA)
                       --       CARE Vehicles                                                                 18,811,000
                       --       LSD Yard Improvements                                                           1,813,523
                       --    Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles (MICLA) Subtotal                20,624,523
                             Proposition HHH
                     361,886,249  Construction of Permanent Supportive Housing..........................................................................            332,090,269
                       --     Homekey 2.0 Permanent Supportive Housing.............................................................................              83,000,000
                     361,886,249  Proposition HHH Subtotal                                                  415,090,269
                             Reserve Fund Loan
                       --    5  Homekey 2.0 Permanent Supportive Housing.............................................................................              49,647,103
                       --    Reserve Fund Loan Subtotal                                                       49,647,103
                             State/Federal Grants and Other Local Funds
                       --       Construction of Permanent Supportive Housing.....................................................................              45,000,000
                       --    State/Federal Grants and Other Local Funds Subtotal                              45,000,000
                       --    State Homekey Program Grant, Round 2 (Pending):                          254,847,000
                     801,649,246  Total Appropriations                                            $      1,163,077,204
                       --    Ending Balance, June 30                                              $                          --
           1Departmental Special Funds include: Planning Case Processing Fund, Building and Safety Permit Enterprise Fund, Community Development Trust Fund, Community
           Service Trust Fund, the Federal Emergency Solutions Grant Fund, Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and the Recreation and Parks Other Revenue Fund.
           2The Additional Homeless Services (formerly Crisis and Bridge Housing Fund) is jointly administered by the Mayor and City Council.
           3The funding for the American Rescue Plan - HOME Investment Partnerships Program Fund has carried over from the Homeless Services to Homekey 2.0 Permanent
           Supportive Housing.
           4The initial Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program Grant 2 funds were not spent in the current fiscal year as the grant requires the establishment of
           performance goals addressing racial disparities and youth set-aside prior to spending any fund.
           5A Reserve Fund loan was approved in 2021-22 (C.F. 21-0112) to provide cash flow for projected expenditures for Projected Homekey 2.0 sites in 2022-23.
           6Federal grants may include funding from the HOME Investment Partnerships Program Fund and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Fund.

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