Page 22 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
P. 22

In 2021, the City negotiated a new franchise agreement with the Southern California Gas
                        Company (SCG). This updated agreement includes significant increases in environmental
                     stringency, such as required air quality monitoring and reporting at sites and increased fees. It
                         also requires SCG to pay a total of $21 million over two installments into a newly created

                                                 Climate Equity Fund

                        to provide for mitigation measures in neighborhoods that suffer disproportionately from
                     climate impacts. The first payment of $10.5 million will be received in FY 22-23 and will launch:

                      L.A.'S BUILDING JOBS PILOT                      AIR QUALITY MONITORING
                                                                      AT OIL DRILLING SITES
                      $5 million to launch a pilot to address
                      the city’s largest GHG emitting sector          $1.25 million for the installation of air
                      and major consumer of natural gas –             quality monitoring at all 17 drill sites in
                      buildings – and demonstrate that the            the city to increase accountability of drill
                      transition away from oil and gas can            site operations.
                      bring job opportunities for historically
                      disadvantaged communities. The pilot            CLIMATE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT
                      will conduct building retrofit upgrades in      & OIL AND GAS RECORD COMPLIANCE
                      five community-serving buildings and            CLEARINGHOUSE
                      will include workforce training and
                      placement for disconnected workers.             $750,000 to support the identification
                                                                      and mapping of where cooling centers
                                                                      are most needed as well as a citywide
                      AIR PURIFIER GIVEAWAY PROGRAM                   inventory of oil and gas compliance to

                      $1.2 million to distribute air purifiers to     increase accountability and transparency
                      households in neighborhoods that bear           for constituents regarding oil wells in
                      a disproportionate burden of air                their neighborhoods.
                      pollution each day and in particular on
                      high heat days and days of wildfire             GRANTS OFFICER FOR THE CLIMATE
                      smoke exposure.
                                                                      EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION OFFICE &
                                                                      OFFICE OF PETROLEUM & NATURAL GAS

                      REBATES FOR HEAT MITIGATION                     $300,000 to hire a Grants Officer to
                      HOME IMPROVEMENTS
                                                                      research and apply for grants focused on
                      $2 million to provide additional                climate mitigation, resilience, and
                      incentives for the installation of new          environmental justice to ensure the City
                      insulation, cool roofs, and other heat          receives its fair share of related state and
                      mitigation home improvements for                federal funding opportunities.
                      housing in low-income areas with high
                      heat index scores.

                                                                                     FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     20
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