Page 25 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
P. 25

Los Angeles Fire


                                        c o n t i n u e d           FIRE EQUIPMENT UPGRADES
                                                                    Funding is provided for the upgrades
                                                                    of vehicles and equipment, including
                                                                    ambulances and the purchase of a

                      RADIO SYSTEM UPGRADE                          helicopter.
                      Funding is provided to upgrade the
                      Department’s radio system and                 ADVANCED PROVIDER
                      replace all of the dispatch consoles          RESPONSE UNIT (APRU)
                      at the primary and backup dispatch            Continued funding is provided for the
                      centers to ensure full functionality          APRU to respond to non-urgent, low
                      during emergencies.                           acuity level call requests and provides
                                                                    intervention services to 911 “super

                      OIL WELL INSPECTION UNIT                      user” patients. Advanced Providers
                                                                    can perform comprehensive on-site
                      Funding is continued for the staffing         assessments and provide treatment
                      of the Department’s Oil Well                  without transport, thus reducing the
                      Inspection Unit. This unit performs           number of EMS responses by
                      annual inspection of oil wells and            ambulances and fire companies to
                      witnesses the plugging and capping            EMS incidents and emergency room
                      of those wells under abandonment.             visits.

        A SAFE CITY                                                                  FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     23
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