Page 28 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
P. 28

Pioneering Public

                       Safety Alternatives

                                          c o n t i n u e d

                      EXPANSION OF GANG REDUCTION
                      & YOUTH DEVELOPMENT (GRYD)

                      GRYD currently provides gang
                      intervention and prevention services
                      in 23 GRYD Zones throughout the city,
                      along with community engagement
                      programming and various other
                      initiatives. Additional funding of $2.5
                      million – for a total of $35 million – is
                      provided for the GRYD program. The
                      additional funding will allow the
                      program to expand into additional
                      neighborhoods across the city.

                      SUMMER NIGHT LIGHTS (SNL)

                      SNL is a signature initiative of the
                      Mayor’s Office of Gang Reduction &
                      Youth Development – offering free
                      food and activities at City parks and
                      connecting young people and families
                      with job opportunities and other
                      resources. The program also aims to
                      help reduce crime and violence during
                      the summer months. An additional
                      $2.4 million – for a total of $6.4 million
                      – is provided for the SNL program.

        A SAFE CITY                                                                  FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     26
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