Page 31 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
P. 31

Personnel &

                     Management                    EXPANDING THE CITY’S HIRING CAPACITY

                                                   Additional staffing is provided to the Personnel
                                                   Department to increase their ability to hire across key
                                                   areas of our City government, including in the Public
                                                   Works Bureaus, Housing Department, and Department
                                                   of Transportation.

                                                   OFFICE OF WORKPLACE EQUITY

                                                   Funding is included for the City’s Equity Review Panel
                                                   pilot and Citywide Inclusion Plan, which will ensure that
                                                   the City is a safe, inclusive workplace and that our
                                                   workforce represents the diversity of Los Angeles.

                                                   PUBLIC SAFETY RECRUITMENT

                                                   Increased number of Background Investigators to
                                                   ensure that candidates are suitable for public safety

                           Budget &

                              Finance              STRENGTHENING OUR FINANCIAL STANDING
                                                   In order to build our fiscal resilience and ensure City
                                                   services are not impacted in the face of unexpected
                                                   financial stress, the Proposed Budget includes a
                                                   Reserve Fund of 6.25%, exceeding the 5% minimum
                                                   prescribed by the City’s Financial Policies. The Budget
                                                   Stabilization Fund is proposed at $182.6 million. This
                                                   Fund exists to protect the City from financial shocks
                                                   due to changing economic circumstances. The Reserve
                                                   Fund and the Budget Stabilization Fund, plus a $10
                                                   million proposed Mid-Year Reserve, equate to a total of
                                                   8.8% in Cumulative Reserves.

                                                   A NEW CITYWIDE REVENUE MANAGEMENT UNIT

                                                   This budget establishes a new division in the Office of
        A WELL-RUN CITY                            departments and, in doing so, ensure the City collects
                                                   Finance to fulfill the Department’s responsibility to
                                                   efficiently organize revenue collection across City

                                                   all outstanding receivables owed.

                                                                                     FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     29
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