Page 34 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
P. 34

Under Mayor Garcetti’s leadership, the City is taking unprecedented
                               action to end homelessness in Los Angeles. The Proposed Budget
                               continues last year’s historic investment in combating homelessness,
                               mobilizing over $1 billion towards services, housing, and hygiene

                    Proposition HHH

                      We are well on our way to exceeding our goal of building 10,000 homes from 2016 to
                      2026 for people experiencing homelessness. Our efforts to build permanent homes
                      for the most vulnerable Angelenos have been possible through our Proposition HHH
                      investments in addition to other City dollars. Proposition HHH funding has enabled
                      the City to increase its annual production of supportive housing units by over 600%,
                      from about 300 units a year to over 2,000.

                      As of March 2022, the City has completed 20 housing projects (1,259 units) with
                      Proposition HHH funding, with 79 projects (4,726 units) currently under construction.
                      The allocated $332 million in Proposition HHH funding will enable the continuation of
                      construction and development for 104 projects with over 6,600 supportive and
                      affordable housing units currently in the HHH pipeline. An additional $83 million in
                      Proposition HHH funding will be used as matching funds for Homekey 2.0 units.


                                                                                     FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     32
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