Page 35 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
P. 35

Homekey 2.0

                           Administered by the California Department of Housing and Community
                           Development (HCD), Homekey provides an opportunity for public entities to
                           convert commercial properties and other existing buildings to Permanent or
                           Interim Housing. In 2020, the City leveraged State funds to purchase 15
                           properties totaling 744 of both interim and permanent supportive housing
                           units to address the urgent need for safe spaces for our unhoused neighbors
                           to quarantine during the pandemic. The City and the Housing Authority of the
                           City of Los Angeles (HACLA) have submitted applications to the State to acquire
                           16 new Homekey sites. Ten of those sites would be directly administered by
                           the Los Angeles Housing Department. The City expects to receive about $254.8
                           million for the acquisition, rehabilitation, and operating costs for 928 new
                           Homekey units, 909 of which will be supportive housing units.

                    Housing &

                      Homeless                SOLID GROUND HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM

                         Services             $1.6 million is provided for the Solid Ground Program
                                              under the Community Investment for Families Department
                                              to provide homelessness prevention services at the City’s 16
                                              FamilySource Centers. The Solid Ground Program helps
                                              prevent new cases of homelessness for families by
                                              stabilizing housing and by working with them to build a
                                              more financially secure future. Services include housing
                                              search and placement and housing stabilization services,
                                              such as case management, personal finance skills, and
                                              assistance with accessing public benefits.

                                              EXPANSION OF HOMEOWNERSHIP OPERATIONS
                                              $5 million is provided for the expansion of the Moderate-
                                              Income Purchase Assistance (MIPA) and Low-Income
                                              Purchase Assistance (LIPA) Programs, which help first-time,
                                              moderate-income and low-income home buyers purchase
                                              homes in the City of Los Angeles. The programs provide
                                              loans to cover the down payment, closing costs, and

                                                                                     FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     33
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40