Page 36 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
P. 36



                                & Rapid                Funding is provided to maintain five CARE and

                          Engagement                   22 CARE+ teams. CARE+ teams provide more
                                                       comprehensive cleanings, hygiene services, and
                     (CARE) Teams                      place-based engagement, with some focusing on
                                                       high-need areas. The Proposed Budget also
                                                       includes funding for one additional CARE+ team, for
                                                       a total of 23 CARE+ teams and five CARE teams next
                                                       fiscal year. Four CARE teams will service the A
                                                       Bridge Home sites and one will focus on servicing
                                                       the Los Angeles River. Fifteen CARE+ teams will be
                                                       assigned citywide (one per Council District) and four
                                                       will be dedicated to A Bridge Home sites. Three
                                                       CARE+ teams will remain dedicated to Focused
                                                       Service Zones, which include the Downtown LA
                                                       area, Skid Row and Venice, and the Grand Corridor.
                                                       The additional CARE+ team will operate on an
                                                       alternative shift schedule, ensuring proactive
                                                       cleaning services are available throughout the late
                                                       afternoon and evening.



                       Assistance, &                   $91.5 MILLION IN HHAP 1, 2, & 3 FUNDING

                            Prevention                 HHAP is funding to address immediate homeless

                                Program                needs as well as to support regional coordination
                                                       and expand local capacity to address immediate
                      (HHAP) 1, 2, 3                   homelessness challenges. The Proposed Budget
                                                       allocates this funding to support COVID-19
                                                       Homelessness Road map operations, A Bridge
                                                       Home (interim housing) construction and
                                                       operations, prevention and diversion, rapid
                                                       rehousing, outreach, hygiene facilities, and other

                                                                                     FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     34
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