Page 29 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
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                                Public Safety

                                  Alternatives                      CALL REDIRECTION TO ENSURE
                                                                    SUICIDE SAFETY (CRESS) PROGRAM

                                         c o n t i n u e d          The program was launched last year
                                                                    as a pilot program to divert non-
                                                                    imminent suicide calls to the Didi
                                                                    Hirsch Mental Health Crisis Call
                      CRISIS & INCIDENT RESPONSE                    Center for de-escalation and
                      THROUGH COMMUNITY-LED                         assessment, lessening the burden on
                      ENGAGEMENT (CIRCLE) PROGRAM                   LAPD patrol resources and decreasing
                                                                    the potential for violent encounters
                      CIRCLE launched in 2021 in                    between police and persons suffering
                      partnership with Urban Alchemy to             from a mental health crisis. The pilot
                      provide 24/7 community-based                  launched in February 2021 and has
                      response to non-violent emergencies           successfully diverted 1,931 calls,
                      involving people experiencing                 resulting in 9,655 total hours of patrol
                      homelessness. The pilot currently             time saved to-date. In July 2021, the
                      operates in Council Districts 4, 11, and      pilot was expanded to 24 hours a day
                      13. This budget more than doubles             and the Proposed Budget includes
                      last year’s allocation to the CIRCLE          $960,000 to continue the partnership
                      program with an $8 million allocation         with Didi Hirsh.
                      to expand the program to other high-
                      need areas in the city.
                                                                    THERAPEUTIC TRANSPORT
                      PREPARING FOR EMERGENCIES
                                                                    Led by the Fire Department, this
                      Funding that will give the Emergency          program is a new model for unarmed
                      Management Department the agility             crisis response that dispatches mental
                      necessary to address emergency                health workers to some 911 calls for
                      situations and incidents below the            emergency assistance in nonviolent
                      level of a declared emergency but that        situations. The proposed budget
                      still require an immediate response.          allocates $2 million towards the
                                                                    expansion of the program.

        A SAFE CITY                                                                  FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     27
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