Page 26 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
P. 26

Los Angeles Police

                              Department                               COMMUNITY SAFETY
                                                                       PARTNERSHIP (CSP)

                                                                       The CSP assigns specially-trained and -
                                                                       selected LAPD officers to a five-year
                      SAFE LA AFTER-ACTION                             assignment within a community.
                      IMPLEMENTATION                                   Residents work alongside them to reduce

                      The Proposed Budget provides funding             crime by developing sports, recreational,
                      for implementation of key                        and other programs tailored specifically
                      recommendations adopted by the Board             to their community; putting a heightened
                      of Police Commissioners and the Los              focus on tackling quality of life issues like
                      Angeles City Council in response to              blight; and bridging communication and
                      lessons learned from community                   trust gaps between residents and the
                      partner feedback following the protests          LAPD. Since its 2011 launch, CSP has
                      of 2020. These recommendations,                  been expanded to 10 sites throughout
                      developed by the Department in                   the city. In 2020, Mayor Garcetti launched
                      collaboration with community partners,           the Community Safety Partnership
                      center around four topics: Community             Bureau to bring the 10 sites under a
                      Relations & Trust Building, Policy               single command and integrate aspects of
                      Development & Legal Considerations,              the model, including its training
                      Training, and Technology & Equipment.            curriculum, across LAPD operations.
                      Investments include staffing in the              Funding is continued for the South Park
                      Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Group           CSP Team and is added to create a
                      and Public Engagement Unit as well as            Community Engagement Response Team
                      funding for expanded training.                   (CERT). The CERT aims to provide rotating
                                                                       support as needed in the 10 CSP sites in
                                                                       Avalon Gardens, Gonzaque Village,
                      EXPANSION OF SMART                               Harvard Park, Imperial Courts, Jordan

                      Funding is provided for the expansion of         Downs, Nickerson Gardens, Pueblo Del
                      Systemwide Mental Assessment                     Rio, Ramona Gardens, South Park, and
                      Response Teams (SMART), which deploy             San Fernando Gardens. Additional
                      resources to assist field officers in the        funding is also provided for community
                      face of mental health crises and allow           assessment and public safety surveys in
                      patrol resources to return to crime              order to set up an effective and
                                                                       community-driven CSP Team for Algin
                      reduction patrol activities.
        A SAFE CITY                                                    Sutton Park.   FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     24
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