Page 281 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 281

Other Special Purpose Funds

                                                   SUPPORTING DATA
                                DISTRIBUTION OF 2022-23 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMS

                                 Code/Program                           Budget         Costs        Total Cost of
                                                                                     Allocated To    Program
                                                                                    Other Budgets

           OTHERSPF0629 Allocations from Other Governmental Agencies
           and Sources                                                     357,114               -        357,114
           OTHERSPF0829 Allocations from Other Governmental Agencies       424,294               -        424,294
           and Sources
           OTHERSPF0845 Building and Safety Building Permit Enterprise  395,218,738              -    395,218,738
           OTHERSPF1060 Staples Arena Trust Fund                          8,612,935              -      8,612,935
           OTHERSPF1061 LA Convention and Visitors Bureau Trust Fund     22,018,570              -     22,018,570
           OTHERSPF1062 Disaster Assistance Trust Fund                  139,571,761              -    139,571,761
           OTHERSPF1229 Allocations from Other Governmental Agencies      2,287,667              -      2,287,667
           and Sources
           OTHERSPF1333 Cannabis Regulation Special Revenue Trust        25,092,746              -     25,092,746
           OTHERSPF1730 City Ethics Commission Fund                        233,980               -        233,980
           OTHERSPF2229 Allocations from Other Governmental Agencies
           and Sources                                                     698,706               -        698,706
           OTHERSPF2262 Workforce Investment Act Fund                     6,283,123              -      6,283,123
           OTHERSPF3024 Arts and Cultural Facilities and Services Trust   3,319,582              -      3,319,582
           OTHERSPF3025 Arts Development Fee Trust Fund                   3,046,684              -      3,046,684
           OTHERSPF3220 Telecommunications Liquidated Damages -           6,746,900              -      6,746,900
           OTHERSPF3343 El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument      1,472,583              -      1,472,583
           Revenue Fund
           OTHERSPF3953 Code Compliance Fund                               426,590               -        426,590
           OTHERSPF4323 Rent Stabilization Trust Fund                    34,270,237              -     34,270,237
           OTHERSPF4329 Allocations from Other Governmental Agencies      5,171,961              -      5,171,961
           and Sources
           OTHERSPF4338 Accessible Housing Fund                          16,535,566              -     16,535,566
           OTHERSPF4341 Housing Opportunities For Persons With AIDS        346,356               -        346,356
           OTHERSPF4342 Code Enforcement Trust Fund                      44,469,003              -     44,469,003
           OTHERSPF4348 Municipal Housing Finance Fund                   20,851,024              -     20,851,024
           OTHERSPF4360 Housing Department Affordable Housing Trust      12,777,447              -     12,777,447
           OTHERSPF4361 Community Services Block Grant Trust Fund          945,943               -        945,943
           OTHERSPF4362 Community Development Trust Fund                  7,010,782              -      7,010,782
           OTHERSPF4369 Home Investment Partnerships Program Fund         2,479,851              -      2,479,851
           OTHERSPF4718 Neighborhood Empowerment                           203,400               -        203,400
           OTHERSPF4816 Convention Center Revenue Fund                   31,865,369              -     31,865,369
           OTHERSPF5002 Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund              165,919,872     (1,000,000)   164,919,872
           OTHERSPF5003 Multi-Family Bulky Item Special Fund              9,883,966              -      9,883,966
           OTHERSPF5004 Central Recycling Transfer Station Fund           9,310,456              -      9,310,456
           OTHERSPF5005 Special Gas Tax Street Improvements              28,319,580              -     28,319,580

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