Page 286 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 286


                       Clinica Romero, Los Angeles Continuum of Care (CoC) Administration, Los Angeles Homeless
                       Count, Shelter and Housing Interventions, and Street Strategies: To be transferred to the Housing

                       Justice Fund: To be transferred to the City Administrative Officer;

                       Midnight  Stroll  Transgender  Cafe:  To  be  transferred  to  the  Civil,  Human  Rights  and  Equity

                       Summer Night Lights: To be transferred to the Department of Recreation and Parks;

                       Young Ambassadors Program: To be transferred to the Youth Development Department; and,

                       Youth  Employment  Program:  To  be  transferred  to  the  Economic  and  Workforce  Development

               2.      Additional Homeless Services: To be jointly administered by the Mayor and Council. A portion of
                       budgeted funds ($1,000,000) shall be transferred to the City Clerk’s Office for the Street Medicine
                       Team for Unhoused on July 1, 2022. An additional $500,000 shall be set aside within this account for
                       the Department of General Services for A Bridge Home maintenance as-needed. Funds are to be
                       expended by the City Clerk as authorized and directed by the Mayor and Council.

               3.      California Contract Cities Association and Independent Cities Association: Authorize the transfer of
                       funds from the General City Purposes Intergovernmental Relations Program Accounts to the Travel
                       Accounts  for  Council’s  budgets  to  pay  for  or  reimburse  these  offices  for  travel  related  to  the
                       governmental oriented organizations California Contract Cities Association and Independent Cities

               4.      Clean  Streets  –  Related  Costs:  Funds  are  provided  to  reimburse  the  Solid  Waste  Resources
                       Revenue  Fund  for  indirect  costs  for  the  Clean  Streets  Program  including  vehicle  fuel,  vehicle
                       depreciation, and fleet maintenance expenses. Reimbursements will be processed on an invoice

               5.      Climate Equity Fund Programs: Funds are provided by the Climate Equity Fund to support climate
                       mitigation initiatives as follows:

                              Air Purifier Giveaway Program ($1,200,000);
                              Air Quality Monitoring at Oil Drilling Sites ($1,250,000);
                              Climate  Vulnerability  Assessment  and  Oil  and  Gas  Record  Compliance  Clearinghouse
                              Heat Mitigation Home Improvement Rebates ($2,000,000);
                              LA’s Building Jobs Pilot ($5,000,000); and,
                              One Grants Officer funded for two years for the Climate Emergency Mobilization Office
                              (CEMO) and the Office of Petroleum and Natural Gas (OPNG) within the Board of Public
                              Works ($300,000).

                       Of budgeted funds ($10,500,000), a portion totaling $7,300,000 shall be transferred to departments
                       on July 1, 2022 as follows:

                       Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Oil and Gas Record Compliance Clearinghouse, and One

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