Page 283 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 283

Other Special Purpose Funds

                                                   SUPPORTING DATA
                                DISTRIBUTION OF 2022-23 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMS

                                 Code/Program                           Budget         Costs        Total Cost of
                                                                                     Allocated To    Program
                                                                                    Other Budgets

           OTHERSPF6857 City Planning System Development Fund            11,390,364              -     11,390,364
           OTHERSPF7060 Forfeited Assets Trust Fund of the Police         1,735,000              -      1,735,000
           OTHERSPF8744 Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund                          200,000               -        200,000
           OTHERSPF9429 Allocations from Other Governmental Agencies      4,934,008              -      4,934,008
           and Sources
           OTHERSPF9452 Measure M Local Return Fund                       2,400,000              -      2,400,000
           OTHERSPF9460 Measure R Traffic Relief and Rail Expansion      34,176,717              -     34,176,717
           OTHERSPF9461 Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Trust       4,836,879              -      4,836,879
           OTHERSPF9465 Local Transportation Fund                         4,195,366              -      4,195,366
           OTHERSPFS5299 Schedule 52 - Default Program                   41,596,597              -     41,596,597
           Total Other Special Purpose Funds
                                                                      1,523,020,112    (15,317,173)  1,507,702,939

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