Page 42 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 42


                                          Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget Preparation


            September 13              Mayor releases budget policy letter to departments.

            September 16              Office of the City Administrative Officer (CAO) releases budget instructions
                                     to departments.

            September – October    Mayor’s Office holds meetings with select departments to discuss potential
                                     budget proposals.

            November 19               Capital  and  Technology  Improvement  Expenditure  Program  (Municipal
                                     Facilities,  Physical  Plant,  and  Technology  elements)  requests  for  new
                                     projects due to the CAO from departments.

                                      Departmental budget requests due to Mayor’s Office and CAO.


            February – March          Budget hearings held with Departments, Mayor’s Office, and CAO to discuss
                                     budget requests.

            March 1                   Charter  deadline  for  City  Controller  to  submit  revenue  estimates  to  the
                                     Mayor, with copies to the City Council and CAO.

            March – April             Mayor’s  Office,  with  support from  the  CAO, finalizes  development  of  the
                                     Proposed Budget.

            April 20                  Charter deadline for the Mayor to submit the Proposed Budget to the City

            April – May               The City Council’s Budget and Finance Committee reviews the budget and
                                     makes recommendations to the City Council.

            May                       The City Council holds public hearings and considers the budget and the
                                     Committee’s recommendations.

            June 1                    Charter deadline for the City Council to adopt the budget as proposed by the
                                     Mayor or as modified by the City Council.

            June 2 – 8 (approx.)      Mayor has five working days after receipt of budget from the City Council to
                                     review any changes made and to approve or veto any items so changed.

            June 9 – 15 (approx.)    The City Council has five working days after receipt of budget from Mayor
                                     to consider any Mayor’s vetoes and may sustain or override each veto by a
                                     two-thirds vote. Budget is adopted after this process is completed.

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