Page 43 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 43

                                           SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS

                                            Classified by Object of Expenditure
                                                     Salaries    Expenses    Equipment     Special      Total

           Aging                                      4,584,424    2,778,236          -            -     7,362,660
           Animal Services                           25,156,006    1,776,672          -            -    26,932,678
           Building and Safety                      136,500,288    3,085,683          -            -    139,585,971
           Cannabis Regulation                        6,267,651    1,284,132          -            -     7,551,783
           City Administrative Officer               20,103,312    2,463,387          -            -    22,566,699
           City Attorney                            149,662,676    8,111,420          -            -    157,774,096
           City Clerk                                13,484,068    2,938,865          -            -    16,422,933
           City Planning                             51,996,924    7,869,912     292,040           -    60,158,876
           City Tourism                               1,517,623      72,000           -            -     1,589,623
           Civil, Human Rights and Equity             3,441,490     466,325           -            -     3,907,815
           Community Investment for Families          8,557,739   11,087,774          -            -    19,645,513
           Controller                                19,725,623    1,702,607          -            -    21,428,230
           Council                                   33,700,770     908,219           -            -    34,608,989
           Cultural Affairs                           9,046,735    1,105,191          -     7,868,694   18,020,620
           Disability                                 3,196,483    1,800,497          -       92,521     5,089,501
           Economic and Workforce Development        15,876,017    7,315,795          -            -    23,191,812
           El Pueblo de Los Angeles                   1,179,507     604,045           -            -     1,783,552
           Emergency Management                       3,525,029      72,064           -            -     3,597,093
           Employee Relations Board                    388,506       80,320           -            -       468,826
           Ethics Commission                          3,831,864     412,471           -            -     4,244,335
           Finance                                   35,661,985    8,780,385          -            -    44,442,370
           Fire                                     741,975,373   39,576,623          -            -    781,551,996
           General Services                         135,533,773  120,151,682     160,000    3,494,814   259,340,269
           Housing                                   69,794,499   10,223,885          -            -    80,018,384
           Information Technology Agency             51,183,362   28,890,748     153,314   18,542,882   98,770,306
           Mayor                                      9,044,730     389,256           -            -     9,433,986
           Neighborhood Empowerment                   3,052,329     559,633           -       14,000     3,625,962
           Personnel                                 62,755,786    9,178,965          -     2,033,674   73,968,425
           Police                                  1,782,592,512  108,285,587  19,327,529          -  1,910,205,628
           Public Accountability                      1,646,282    1,683,410          -            -     3,329,692
           Board of Public Works                     11,315,107   17,961,692          -            -    29,276,799
           Bureau of Contract Administration         44,843,084    2,459,907          -            -    47,302,991
           Bureau of Engineering                    105,359,375    4,649,958          -            -    110,009,333
           Bureau of Sanitation                     344,300,229   43,273,657      18,512           -    387,592,398
           Bureau of Street Lighting                 38,236,436    3,585,563      1,000     1,610,000   43,432,999
           Bureau of Street Services                126,687,186   98,288,077     377,070           -    225,352,333
           Transportation                           180,517,520   21,900,632          -            -    202,418,152
           Youth Development                          1,039,184     309,500       12,650           -     1,361,334
           Zoo                                       23,532,874    4,189,358          -            -    27,722,232
           Total-Budgetary Departments             4,280,814,361  580,274,133  20,342,115  33,656,585  4,915,087,194
           Appropriations to City Employees' Retirement      -           -            -   132,355,098   132,355,098
           Appropriations to Library Fund                    -           -            -   227,048,611   227,048,611
           Appropriations to Recreation and Parks Fund       -           -            -   255,651,843   255,651,843
           Total-Appropriations                              -           -            -   615,055,552   615,055,552
           Total-Departmental                      4,280,814,361  580,274,133  20,342,115  648,712,137  5,530,142,746

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