Page 207 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 207


                                                          Regular                          Resolution
                                                     Position Authorities               Position Authorities
                                                2021-22   2022-23                2021-22    2022-23
                                               Adopted    Proposed     Net      Adopted    Proposed       Net
                                                Budget     Budget    Change      Budget     Budget      Change
           Aging                                      40         49          9          9            -         (9)
           Animal Services                           335        343          8         19          21           2
           Building and Safety                       911        933         22        174         168          (6)
           Cannabis Regulation                         6         26         20         31          32           1
           City Administrative Officer               116        134         18          4          15          11
           City Attorney                             889        895          6         75          83           8
           City Clerk                                115        116          1          3           7           4
           City Planning                             399        390         (9)        97         129          32
           City Tourism                               12         12          -           -           -           -
           Civil, Human Rights and Equity              1          1          -         29          33           4
           Community Investment for Families          35         35          -         36          62          26
           Controller                                154        158          4         11          11            -
           Council                                   108        108          -           -           -           -
           Cultural Affairs                           67         72          5         24          18          (6)
           Disability                                 27         28          1          3           4           1
           Economic and Workforce Development         88         88          -         62          67           5
           El Pueblo de Los Angeles                    9         10          1          1           1            -
           Emergency Management                       19         27          8         11           2          (9)
           Employee Relations Board                    3          3          -           -           -           -
           Ethics Commission                          32         33          1          2           2            -
           Finance                                   337        340          3         16          24           8
           Fire                                     3,804     3,902         98        101          14         (87)
           General Services                         1,306     1,365         59         51          46          (5)
           Housing                                   514        514          -        188         214          26
           Information Technology Agency             395        417         22         27          13         (14)
           Mayor                                      94         94          -           -           -           -
           Neighborhood Empowerment                   30         33          3          3           1          (2)
           Personnel                                 466        545         79         94          70         (24)
           Police                                  13,744    13,849        105        255         204         (51)
           Public Accountability                       9          9          -           -           -           -
           Board of Public Works                      89         90          1         25          31           6
           Bureau of Contract Administration         281        285          4         88         103          15
           Bureau of Engineering                     710        741         31        167         167            -
           Bureau of Sanitation                     3,156     3,156          -        320         521         201
           Bureau of Street Lighting                 205        214          9        120         125           5
           Bureau of Street Services                 875        975        100        559         497         (62)
           Transportation                           1,419     1,432         13        335         331          (4)
           Youth Development                           1          1          -          7          10           3
           Zoo                                       246        264         18         21          14          (7)
                 Subtotal                          31,047    31,687        640       2,968       3,040         72
           Library                                  1,117     1,138         21           -           -           -
           Recreation and Parks                     1,398     1,567        169        203          91        (112)
                 Subtotal                           2,515     2,705        190        203          91        (112)
                          Total                    33,562    34,392        830       3,171       3,131        (40)

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