Page 62 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 62

                                              CHANGES BY DEPARTMENT

            Department    Category              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                              Regular  Resolution

                                     Environmental and State Annual Licensing Compliance  680,159  -       7
                                     Finance, Operations, and Administrative Support  923,148    -         8
                                     General Administration                           705,806    6         -
                                     Licensing, Compliance, and Commission Support  1,367,696    14        -
                                     Outreach Coordinator and Community Liaison       70,611     -         1
                                     Social Equity Business Development               655,202    -         6
                       Increased Services
                       4-Increased   Hearing Officers                                 64,000     -         -
                                                              Proposed Changes      2,338,801    20        32
                                     Total                                          7,551,783    26        32

            City Administrative Officer
                       Adopted Budget
                                     2021-22 Adopted Budget                        17,889,380   116        4
                                                                Adopted Budget     17,889,380   116        4
                       Other Changes or Adjustments
                       10-Other      Emergency Management Position Adjustment              -     -         -
                       Obligatory Changes
                       1-Obligatory   2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment        316,125    -         -
                                     2022-23 Employee Compensation Adjustment         190,401    -         -
                                     Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions    150,084    -         -
                                     Salary Step and Turnover Effect                (173,038)    -         -
                       Deletion of One-Time Services
                       2-Deletion of One-  Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities  (409,156)  -    -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding            (330,803)    -         -
                       Continuation of Services
                       3-Continuation of   Administrative and Accounting Support      91,821     2         -
                                     CRA/LA Bond Oversight Program                    129,861    -         1
                                     Equity, Performance Management, and Innovation  1,698,415   12        -
                                     Federal Grant Reporting and Monitoring           160,552    -         1
                                     Proposition HHH Facilities Bond Program          100,806    -         1
                       Increased Services
                       4-Increased   2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games Planning       80,276     -         1
                                     Attorney Conflicts Panel Support                 49,678     1         -
                                     Citywide Procurement Oversight Expansion         856,658    -         6
                       New Services
                       6-New Services  Van Nuys Parking Lot Plan                    1,000,000    -         -
                       Efficiencies to Services
                       7-Efficiencies to   Expense Account Reduction                (129,000)    -         -
                                     One-Time Salary Reduction                      (100,000)    -         -
                       Transfer of Services
                       9-Transfer of   Citywide Procurement Oversight Transfer        420,285    3         -
                                     Transfer of Citywide Procurement Oversight Staffing  574,354  -       5
                                                              Proposed Changes      4,677,319    18        15
                                     Total                                         22,566,699   134        15

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