Page 63 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 63

                                              CHANGES BY DEPARTMENT

            Department    Category              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                              Regular  Resolution

            City Attorney
                       Adopted Budget
                                     2021-22 Adopted Budget                       154,287,846   889        75
                                                                Adopted Budget    154,287,846   889        75
                       Obligatory Changes
                       1-Obligatory   2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment      2,960,711    -         -
                                     2022-23 Employee Compensation Adjustment       1,533,540    -         -
                                     Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions  2,100,000    -         -
                                     Salary Step and Turnover Effect                1,455,205    -         -
                       Deletion of One-Time Services
                       2-Deletion of One-  Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities  (10,267,388)  -  -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding           (150,000)    -         -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding           (6,700,759)   -         -
                       Continuation of Services
                       3-Continuation of   Accessible Housing Program Support         336,832    -         2
                                     Administrative Citation Enforcement Support      245,755    -         2
                                     Affirmative Litigation Support                   681,159    -         6
                                     Bureau of Sanitation Legal Support               194,970    -         1
                                     California Environmental Quality Act - Litigation  141,863  -         1
                                     California Environmental Quality Act - Planning  194,969    -         1
                                     California Environmental Quality Act – Public Works  465,221  -       3
                                     Cannabis Administration, Law, and Litigation     387,618    -         3
                                     Cannabis Enforcement Regulation                1,660,693    -         11
                                     Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutorial Support         194,969    -         1
                                     City Infrastructure Development Support          194,969    -         1
                                     Citywide Nuisance Abatement Program              478,695    -         3
                                     Claims and Risk Management Division Support      65,947     -         1
                                     Community Planning Program Support               387,620    -         3
                                     Continuing Education Stipend                     516,750    -         -
                                     Department of Water and Power Support            560,805    -         4
                                     Foreclosure Registry Program                     298,861    -         2
                                     General Litigation Support                       150,564    -         2
                                     Harbor Department Support                        270,251    -         2
                                     Intellectual Property Crime Support              77,037     -         1
                                     Mental Competency Caseload Support               525,944    -         4
                                     Neighborhood Prosecutor Program Support          851,178    6         -
                                     Office of Wage Standards Support                 635,679    -         5
                                     Parking Meters and Facilities Divisions          141,863    -         1
                                     Police Litigation Division                       493,830    -         3
                                     Proposition HHH Legal Support                    365,428    -         3
                                     Qui Tam Affirmative Litigation                   389,938    -         2
                                     Risk Management Division                         867,973    -         6
                       Increased Services
                       4-Increased   2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games Planning       106,398    -         1
                                     Bureau of Sanitation Legal Support Expansion     106,398    -         1
                                     Employment Litigation Division Expansion         246,916    -         3
                                     Police Litigation Division Expansion             246,916    -         3
                       New Services
                       6-New Services  Tenant Anti-Harassment Implementation Support  70,932     -         1

                                                              Proposed Changes      3,486,250    6         83
                                     Total                                        157,774,096   895        83

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