Page 80 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 80

                                              CHANGES BY DEPARTMENT

            Department    Category              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                              Regular  Resolution

                                     Payroll System Project Support                   117,924    -         1
                                     Public Safety Recruitment                        300,000    -         -
                                     Public Safety Recruitment System for Police Hiring  239,000  -        -
                                     Public Works Bureau of Street Services Support   378,421    5         -
                                     Safety and Industrial Hygiene                    72,680     1         -
                                     Strategic Workforce Development Task Force     1,129,884    13        -
                                     Third-Party Administrator Quality Control        111,211    -         1
                                     Workers' Compensation Analysts                   289,950    -         3
                                     Workplace Investigation Support                  377,509    -         3
                                     Workplace Violence Prevention                    143,436    1         -
                       Increased Services
                       4-Increased   Additional Public Safety Recruitment             200,000    -         -
                                     Building and Safety Support                      58,962     -         1
                                     Claims Management Systems Software Support       62,055     -         1
                                     Department of Transportation Support             73,156     -         2
                                     Department of Water and Power Classification Support  208,698  -      3
                                     Expand Background Investigations                 203,974    -         5
                                     Expand Backgrounds Fingerprints Processing       23,164     -         1
                                     General Services Department Support              73,155     -         2
                                     Housing Department Support                       121,116    -         2
                                     Increased Testing Support                        100,922    -         2
                                     Information Technology Agency Support            58,962     -         1
                                     Office of Public Accountability Executive Recruitment  150,000  -     -
                                     Personnel Support                                149,045    -         4
                                     Public Works Bureau Engineering Support          58,962     -         1
                                     Public Works Bureau of Contract Administration   41,960     -         1
                                     Public Works Bureau of Sanitation Support        285,764    -         6
                                     Public Works Bureau of Street Services Support   31,194     -         1
                       New Services
                       6-New Services  Contract Administration                        43,943     1         -
                                     Women's Management Academy Training              25,000     -         -
                       Efficiencies to Services
                       7-Efficiencies to   Expense Account Reduction                 (50,000)    -         -
                                     One-Time Salary Reduction                      (250,000)    -         -
                                                              Proposed Changes      4,042,714    79        70
                                     Total                                         73,968,425   545        70

                       Adopted Budget
                                     2021-22 Adopted Budget                      1,760,908,714  13,744    255
                                                                Adopted Budget   1,760,908,714  13,744    255
                       Other Changes or Adjustments
                       10-Other      Card Reader System Replacement                   93,706     -         -
                       Obligatory Changes
                       1-Obligatory   2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment      8,893,573    -         -
                                     2022-23 Employee Compensation Adjustment      30,662,547    -         -
                                     Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions    686,949    -         -
                                     Reduced Sworn Hiring                         (29,115,924)   -         -
                                     Salary Step and Turnover Effect               10,168,554    -         -
                       Deletion of One-Time Services

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