Page 75 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 75

                                              CHANGES BY DEPARTMENT

            Department    Category              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                              Regular  Resolution

                       Deletion of One-Time Services
                       2-Deletion of One-  Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities  (2,274,441)  -  -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding          (1,775,000)   -         -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding           (6,061,408)   -         -
                       Continuation of Services
                       3-Continuation of   Automated Processing Software              140,000    -         -
                                     Building Management Services                     539,201    5         -
                                     Custodial Living Wage Increase                   787,871    -         -
                                     Custodial Services                               712,742    13        1
                                     Failed Streets Program                           113,159    -         1
                                     Fleet Services Mechanics                         500,108    5         -
                                     Fuel Services Support                            68,252     1         -
                                     Homelessness Intervention Unit                   517,988    -         4
                                     Leasing Division Support                         254,176    2         -
                                     Materials Testing Support                        243,935    3         -
                                     Pershing Square Parking Resources                460,766    10        -
                                     Project Roomkey Program Support                       -     -         1
                                     Solar Maintenance Program                        393,688    3         -
                                     Supply Management Services                       354,615    5         -
                                     Supply Management Systems Support                126,826    1         -
                                     Tenant Leasing Liaison                           76,817     1         -
                       Increased Services
                       4-Increased   Building and Safety Fleet Vehicle                40,000     -         -
                                     Bureau of Sanitation Fleet Support               158,125    3         -
                                     Citywide Parking Support                         414,011    9         -
                                     Custodial Services at Libraries                  932,307    -         -
                                     Electric Vehicle Charger Infrastructure Support  188,244    -         2
                                     Emergency Preparedness                           43,049     -         1
                                     Fleet Maintenance for Additional Equipment       157,520    -         3
                                     Increased Custodial Services                     624,936    -         24
                                     Los Angeles World Airports Materials Testing Support  169,738  -      2
                                     Mail Services Support for Public Works Facilities  38,220   -         1
                                     Parking Services and Sustainability Support      127,088    -         1
                                     Parking Services Operational Support             97,525     1         -
                                     Security and Facility Management Support         63,544     -         1
                                     Supervision and Warehouse Support                187,716    -         4
                       Restoration of Services
                       5-Restoration of   Restoration of Services                   1,981,719    -         -
                       Efficiencies to Services
                       7-Efficiencies to   Expense Account Reduction                (821,520)    -         -
                                     One-Time Salary Reduction                      (500,000)    -         -
                       Transfer of Services
                       9-Transfer of   Citywide Procurement Oversight Transfer      (420,285)   (3)        -
                                                              Proposed Changes      5,867,007    59        46
                                     Total                                        259,340,269  1,365       46

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