Page 72 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 72

                                              CHANGES BY DEPARTMENT

            Department    Category              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                              Regular  Resolution

                       Continuation of Services
                       3-Continuation of   Assistant General Manager                  163,556    1         -
                                     Community Emergency Management                   236,558    2         -
                                     Community Preparedness                           316,412    3         -
                                     Grants Coordinator                               118,211    1         -
                                     Innovation and Development                       131,088    1         -
                                     Operational Readiness                            105,471    -         1
                                     Public Health Coordinator                        91,939     -         1
                                                              Proposed Changes        (6,522)    8         2
                                     Total                                          3,597,093    27        2

            Employee Relations Board
                       Adopted Budget
                                     2021-22 Adopted Budget                           455,102    3         -
                                                                Adopted Budget        455,102    3         -
                       Obligatory Changes
                       1-Obligatory   2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment         7,469     -         -
                                     2022-23 Employee Compensation Adjustment          4,007     -         -
                                     Salary Step and Turnover Effect                   2,248     -         -
                                                              Proposed Changes        13,724     -         -
                                     Total                                            468,826    3         -

            Ethics Commission
                       Adopted Budget
                                     2021-22 Adopted Budget                         4,098,836    32        2
                                                                Adopted Budget      4,098,836    32        2
                       Obligatory Changes
                       1-Obligatory   2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment        84,802     -         -
                                     2022-23 Employee Compensation Adjustment         46,617     -         -
                                     Salary Step and Turnover Effect                  20,423     -         -
                       Deletion of One-Time Services
                       2-Deletion of One-  Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities  (121,501)  -    -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding            (40,000)    -         -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding            (123,500)    -         -
                       Continuation of Services
                       3-Continuation of   Developer Program Manager                  90,374     -         1
                                     Director of Audits                               107,222    1         -
                                     Salaries As-needed Funding                       40,000     -         -
                       Increased Services
                       4-Increased   Enforcement Support                              36,712     -         1
                       Transfer of Services
                       9-Transfer of   Mobile Worker Program                           4,350     -         -
                                                              Proposed Changes        145,499    1         2
                                     Total                                          4,244,335    33        2

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