Page 74 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 74

                                              CHANGES BY DEPARTMENT

            Department    Category              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                              Regular  Resolution

                       Continuation of Services
                       3-Continuation of   2016 SAFER Grant                         8,684,494    48        -
                                     2017 SAFER Grant                               3,799,466    21        -
                                     Additional Administrative Support                118,977    -         2
                                     Administration of Controlled Medicine            127,283    1         -
                                     Administrative Services Bureau                   181,784    2         -
                                     Advanced Provider Response Unit                1,625,252    12        -
                                     Cannabis Enforcement                             600,342    4         -
                                     Capital and Facilities Planning                  228,221    -         1
                                     Community Liaison Office                         103,578    1         -
                                     Disaster Response Staffing                            -     -         1
                                     Extractor Installation                           200,000    -         -
                                     Firefighter Recruit Training                  19,249,416    -         -
                                     General Administration and Support               102,763    -         -
                                     Hardware and Software Support                    475,000    -         -
                                     Hazardous Waste Disposal                         200,000    -         -
                                     Helitanker Lease                                 121,747    -         -
                                     LAWA Landside Access Modernization Program       135,573    -         1
                                     Oil Well Inspection Unit                         598,593    4         -
                                     Surety Bond Review                               95,150     1         -
                                     Technology Support                             (116,953)   (1)        -
                                     Youth Development and Recruitment                148,847    1         -
                                     Youth Development Programs                       291,063    2         -
                                     Youth Programs Coordinator                       103,578    1         -
                       Increased Services
                       4-Increased   Brush Unit Administrative Support                33,538     -         1
                                     Early Intervention Treatment Program             260,743    -         1
                                     Emergency Medical Services Records Support      (14,784)   (1)        -
                                     Equity and Inclusion Staffing                    673,810    -         7
                                     Fleet Maintenance Staffing                       102,392    2         -
                                     Security Services for the Hotchkin Training Center  120,000  -        -
                                     Therapeutic Van Transport Pilot Program        2,000,000    -         -
                       Restoration of Services
                       5-Restoration of   Restoration of One-Time Expense Funding   5,000,000    -         -
                       Efficiencies to Services
                       7-Efficiencies to   Expense Account Reduction               (3,000,000)   -         -
                                     One-Time Salary Reduction                     (3,500,000)   -         -
                                                              Proposed Changes     35,283,645    98        14
                                     Total                                        781,551,996  3,902       14

            General Services
                       Adopted Budget
                                     2021-22 Adopted Budget                       253,473,262  1,306       51
                                                                Adopted Budget    253,473,262  1,306       51
                       Obligatory Changes
                       1-Obligatory   2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment      3,935,367    -         -
                                     2022-23 Employee Compensation Adjustment       2,449,875    -         -
                                     Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions    300,000    -         -
                                     Salary Step and Turnover Effect                  520,533    -         -

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