Page 62 - FY 2022-23 Revenue Outlook
P. 62

Sales Tax
                  State, County and Local Sales Tax Components in effect for Los Angeles City

                State Rate
                  General Fund                   3.6875%        State General Fund
                  General Fund                   0.2500%        (Inoperative in 2001, but effective thereafter.)
                                                                The Local Public Safety Fund was approved by the
                                                                California electorate in 1993 to support local criminal
                  Local Public Safety Fund       0.5000%
                                                                justice activities.  The City receives a small share of this
                                                                -- about $30 million annually.
                                                                For local health and social service programs. This
                  Local Revenue Fund             0.5000%
                                                                portion was established as part of 1991 realignment.
                                                                This portion was established as part of 2011
                  Local Revenue Fund             1.0625%
                Subtotal  for State purposes              6.00%

                Uniform Local Tax Rate
                                                                The county allocates a small portion of this to the City
                  County Transportation            0.25%
                                                                for transportation purposes.
                                                                This is the source of City sales tax revenue.  The City's
                                                                share was reduced from 1% of taxable sales within the
                                                                City to 0.75% by the triple flip starting with City receipts
                  Local Point of Sale              1.00%        in September 2004. Replacement property tax in lieu
                                                                revenue was remitted to the City to make up the
                                                                shortfall during this period. The City is now receiving
                                                                the full 1 percent rate.
                Subtotal for Local Purposes               1.25%
                Total Statewide Rate                      7.25%

                Voter Approved Local Rates                      State law permits voter approval of optional local tax
                                                                rates. The following countywide voter-approved local
                                                                rates are applicable in the City of Los Angeles.
                  Proposition A Los Angeles County
                  Transportation Commission        0.50%        Voter Approved in 1980 for public transit

                  Proposition C Los Angeles County   0.50%      Voter Approved in 1990 for public transit
                  Transportation Commission
                  Measure R Los Angeles MTA        0.50%        Voter Approved in 2008 for public transit
                  Measure M Los Angeles MTA        0.50%        Voter Approved in 2016 for public transit
                  Measure H Los Angeles County     0.25%        Voter Approved in 2017 for homeless services
                Total Optional Local Rate Applicable      2.25%
                 in City of Los Angeles

                Total Sales Tax Rate in City of Los      9.50% This rate dropped to 8.75% with the expiration of
                Angeles                                         Proposition 30 in December 2016, and increased to
                                                                9.5% in July 2017 with the implementation of Measures
                                                                M and H.

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