Page 389 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 389
CTIEP – Physical Plant
The capital improvements listed in this section are funded from the Measure W Local Return Fund and the SB1 Fund.
2 Street/LA River Removal and Reuse Urban Flow 2,3 7 C $ 882,756
System Phase II (aka LAR Segment B Urban Runoff
Project No. 1-R2-02)
Funding is provided by the Measure W Local Return Fund for the interception of dry-weather flow from a 13-foot box
storm drain along 2nd Street by installing a diversion weir and drop inlet into a low flow diversion structure. The
diverted flow will be pumped into an existing 22-inch sanitary sewer main in Alameda Street.
Arroyo Seco Low Flow Diversion (Hermon Dog Park 2,3 6 C $ 449,895
LFD #2 AS-21)
Funding is provided by the Measure W Local Return Fund for the interception of wet-weather and dry-weather flow
from a 266 acre drainage area at Hermon Dog Park by installing a diversion weir and drop inlet into a low flow
diversion structure. The diverted flow will be pumped into an existing sanitary sewer main located in Via Marisol, east
of the 110 freeway.
Arroyo Seco Low Flow Diversion (Sycamore Grove 2,3 5 C $ 207,505
Park LFD #1 AS-15)
Funding is provided by the Measure W Local Return Fund for the interception of dry-weather flow from a 200 acre
drainage area at Sycamore Grove Park by installing a diversion weir and drop inlet into a low flow diversion structure.
The diverted flow will be pumped into an existing 42-inch sanitary sewer main nearby.
Ballona Creek TMDL Project (Low Flow Treatment 2,3 7 C $ 5,500,000
Facilities #1 and #2)
Funding is provided by the Measure W Local Return Fund for the retrofitting of the existing City of Los Angeles North
Outfall Treatment Facility to a water quality facility that provides disinfection and treatment of dry weather flows in
Ballona Creek and diversion of dry weather flows to Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant for recycling.
Century Blvd and Gramercy Place Storm Drain 1,5 6 - C $ 4,251,875
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund for the construction of 2400 linear feet of 24-inch diameter storm drain along
Century Blvd. from Van Ness Ave. and Gramercy Place. This project will alleviate flooding and improve safety of
vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
E. 6 St. Green Infrastructure Corridor 2,3,5 4 D/C $ 1,750,000
Funding is provided by the Measure W Local Return Fund for the installation of best management practices including
drywells, street trees, and bioswales to capture, treat, and infiltrate dry weather and wet weather runoff from a 23-acre
drainage area.
Eldridge – Harding Storm Drain (Mission College) 1 7 - D $ 400,000
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to extend the storm drain roughly 1900 linear feet with 54-inch reinforced
concrete pipe (RCP) north off Harding and 340 linear feet of 18-in RCP to alleviate flooding and improve safety of
vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
* "1" Health & Safety, “2” Legal Mandate, “3” Resiliency and Sustainability, “4” Operations and Cost Savings, “5” Equitable Community and Economic
Sustainability/Social Equity. “SEI” Social Equity Index (See CTIEP Summary for SEI definition). “GI” Green Investment.
** “PP” preliminary study. “D” design. “C” construction work. “R/W” land or building acquisition. “P/C” post-construction.