Page 390 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 390
CTIEP – Physical Plant
La Cienega Blvd Green Infrastructure Corridor 2,3 7 D/C $ 1,589,064
Funding is provided by the Measure W Local Return Fund for the installation of several types of stormwater capture
and permeability-promoting features along La Cienega Blvd. to improve stormwater management infiltration and
community enhancements
LA River Low Flow Diversion (Compton Creek LFD) 2,3,5 4 C $ 2,454,500
Funding is provided by the Measure W Local Return Fund for the installation of a low flow diversion structure to convey
dry weather flow to the sewer and nearby Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant.
Mission Rd/LA River Removal and Reuse Urban Flow 2,3,5 5 C $ 767,655
System (aka LAR Segment B Urban Runoff Project No. 3-
Funding is provided by the Measure W Local Return Fund for the installation of a vegetated swale, storage tank with
recirculation pump and onsite irrigation system, and tree planting to collect, treat, and use stormwater runoff for
landscape irrigation at the South Mission and Jesse Roundabout Project and adjacent Air Treatment Facility low flow
diversion structure to convey dry-weather flow to the sewer and nearby Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant.
Montecito Drive to Latrobe Storm Drain 1 6 - D $ 75,000
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund for the installation of a storm drain within an existing 12' storm drain easement
from Montecito Dr. to Latrobe St. to prevent runoff from overflowing to the downhill properties, resulting in slope
erosion and mudflow. This project will alleviate the flooding and ensure public safety.
Palmetto Street/LA River Removal and Reuse Urban Flow 2,3 7 C $ 788,969
System (aka LAR Segment B Urban Runoff Project No. 2-
Funding is provided by the Measure W Local Return Fund for the interception of dry-weather flow from two
perpendicular storm drains in Palmetto St. and Santa Fe Ave. by installing diversion weirs and drop inlets into a low
flow diversion. The diverted flow will be pumped into an existing sanitary sewer located at the intersection of Santa Fe
Ave. and Palmetto St.
Reseda Blvd Alley Green Infrastructure Corridor 2,3 7 C $ 614,000
Funding is provided by the Measure W Local Return Fund for the installation of stormwater best management
practices, including interlocking pavers for vehicular alleys, street intercepts with aggregate filters, passive parkway
irrigation, storage system, trees, and landscaping to capture, treat, and use dry-weather and wet-weather runoff.
Sepulveda Blvd: 89 to LA Tijera Blvd Storm Drain 1 8 - C $ 2,004,500
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund for the construction of 550 linear feet of 36-inch diameter storm drain, catch
basins, and laterals along Sepulveda Blvd. from 89th St. to La Tijera Blvd. This project will alleviate flooding and
improve safety of vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Subtotal Watershed Management Projects $ 21,735,719
* "1" Health & Safety, “2” Legal Mandate, “3” Resiliency and Sustainability, “4” Operations and Cost Savings, “5” Equitable Community and Economic
Sustainability/Social Equity. “SEI” Social Equity Index (See CTIEP Summary for SEI definition). “GI” Green Investment.
** “PP” preliminary study. “D” design. “C” construction work. “R/W” land or building acquisition. “PC” post-construction.