Page 394 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 394

CTIEP – Physical Plant

            STREETS PROJECTS (cont.)

            PROJECT TITLE                                         CATEGORY*  SEI*  GI*  ACTIVITY**    2022-23

            High Priority Sidewalk Gap Closures and Pedestrian        1,4,5      4    -      D      $       400,000
            Safety Improvements
            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund for design of sidewalks and pedestrian safety or crossing elements at four
            locations that are along routes to schools or other community destinations to provide pedestrians with a safe pathway.

            Jefferson Blvd. Complete Street Project                   1,3,5      5          C      $    4,143,672

            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to install a complete streets project on Jefferson Blvd. between Vermont Ave.
            and Western Ave. This project will also create a safe and accessible bike path along the LA River.

            Kinney Street Improvements Project                         1,4       6    -      C      $       900,000

            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to restore safe passage for vehicles by widening the street to a uniform 20-foot
            wide street section with curb and gutter, improving the turning radius at the knuckle area, reconstructing the pavement,
            adding catch basins, and improving the drainage system.

            LA River Way – San Fernando Valley Completion Project     1,3,5      7          C      $    5,289,000

            Funding is provided by the Measure M Local Return Fund to construct a Class I bike path and greenway along the LA

            Los Angeles River Bike Path Repair near Ferraro Fields   1,3,4,5     6         D/C     $    1,500,000

            Funding is provided by the Measure M Local Return Fund for a temporary repair and for design of a permanent repair
            alternative to resolve the ground squirrel infestation, stabilize the subgrade, and maintain long-term performance of the
            bicycle path.

            Machado Lake Ecosystem Habitat Restoration Mitigation     2,3,5      6         PC      $    1,065,238
            and Monitoring Plan (HRMMP)
            Funding is provided for habitat restoration and monitoring activities to comply with permit requirements from the
            California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

            Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Streetscape                   5        5          C      $    3,800,000

            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund for improvements along Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., between Hill St. and
            Central Ave., to connect the improvements around Exposition Park. Improvements include sidewalk and median tree
            planting, pedestrian-lighting, sidewalk and curb ramp upgrades/repairs, new landscaped medians, and other elements.

            Medina Road (4956, 5166, 5259) Bulkhead                    1,4       8    -      C      $    1,827,000
            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to replace existing failed timber and concrete bulkheads with new steel pile and
            pre-cast concrete lagging bulkheads to provide lateral support to the roadway and to ensure public safety.

            Mt. Washington Drive (730) Bulkhead                        1,4       6    -      C      $       459,000

            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to replace an existing failing timber bulkhead with a new steel pile and pre-cast
            concrete lagging bulkhead to provide lateral support to the roadway and to ensure public safety.

            * "1" Health & Safety, “2” Legal Mandate, “3” Resiliency and Sustainability, “4” Operations and Cost Savings, “5” Equitable Community and Economic
            Sustainability/Social Equity. “SEI” Social Equity Index (See CTIEP Summary for SEI definition). “GI” Green Investment.
            ** “PP” preliminary study. “D” design. “C” construction work. “R/W” land or building acquisition. “PC” post-construction.
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