Page 397 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 397
CTIEP – Physical Plant
San Rafael Avenue (4064) Bulkhead Replacement 1,4 7 - C $ 583,000
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to replace a deteriorating timber bulkhead with a new steel pile and precast
concrete lagging bulkhead to restore lateral support to the roadway and ensure public safety.
Sepulveda Blvd. (LAX) Tunnel Safety Maintenance and 1,2,4 6 - C $ 321,000
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund for maintenance of all safety equipment in the tunnel that protects the public from
life-threatening situations in the event of a power failure, fire, or other natural disaster. The scope of the maintenance
and cleaning work includes fire detection system, switch gear, dewatering pumps, carbon monoxide sensors,
ventilation fan system, SCADA system, and air conditioning.
Sherman Way Tunnel Safety Maintenance and Cleaning 1,2,4 5 - C $ 126,000
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund for maintenance of all safety equipment in the tunnel that protects the public from
life-threatening situations in the event of a power failure, fire, or other natural disaster. The scope of maintenance and
cleaning includes service to the SCADA System, dewatering pumps, fire extinguishers, and air-conditioning system.
Sunland Blvd. (9474) Slope Mitigation 1,4 7 - C $ 230,000
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to install K-rail with a debris fence to prevent slough from encroaching into the
roadway to provide safe passage to vehicular traffic.
Sunset Blvd. (2723) Phase 4 Remedial Slope Mitigation 1,4 6 - C $ 3,000,000
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to install a shotcrete and soil nail wall to mitigate the over-steepened slope to
ensure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles.
Temple Hill Drive (6164) Bulkhead Replacement 1,4 7 - C $ 585,000
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to replace an existing failing timber bulkhead with a new steel pile and concrete
lagging bulkhead to restore lateral support to the street and to ensure public safety.
Treasure Trail (7006 – 7020) Slope Mitigation 1,4 8 - C $ 138,000
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to install K-rails with a debris fence and prevent slough from encroaching into the
roadway to restore safe passage to pedestrians and vehicles.
Utica Drive (8371) Bulkhead 1,4 8 - C $ 649,000
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to install a new steel beam and pre-cast concrete lagging bulkhead to provide
lateral support to the roadway and restore safe passage to pedestrians and vehicles.
Wade Street (3640) and Marco Place 1 7 - D $ 811,500
Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to reconstruct sidewalk, culvert, curb and gutter, driveways, sidewalk, and
roadway to alleviate the flooding along private properties.
* "1" Health & Safety, “2” Legal Mandate, “3” Resiliency and Sustainability, “4” Operations and Cost Savings, “5” Equitable Community and Economic
Sustainability/Social Equity. “SEI” Social Equity Index (See CTIEP Summary for SEI definition). “GI” Green Investment.
** “PP” preliminary study. “D” design. “C” construction work. “R/W” land or building acquisition. “PC” post-construction.