Page 395 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 395

CTIEP – Physical Plant

            STREETS PROJECTS (cont.)

            PROJECT TITLE                                         CATEGORY*  SEI*  GI*  ACTIVITY**    2022-23

            Mulholland Drive (23201) Bulkhead                          1,4       8    -      C      $       271,000

            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund for the installation of a new steel pile and concrete lagging bulkhead to provide
            lateral support to the roadway and to ensure public safety.

            Mulholland Drive (7863 – 7877) Bulkhead                    1,4       8    -      C      $    1,463,000

            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to install a new steel pile and pre-cast concrete lagging bulkhead to provide
            lateral support to the roadway and to ensure public safety.

            Mulholland Drive at Bowmont Dr. Bulkhead                   1,4       8    -      C      $       346,000

            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to construct a new steel pile and pre-cast concrete lagging bulkhead to provide
            lateral support to the roadway and to ensure public safety.

            Mulholland Drive E/0 Bowmont Dr. Bulkhead                  1,4       8    -      C      $       592,000
            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to install two new steel beam and pre-cast concrete lagging bulkheads to provide
            lateral support to the roadway and to ensure public safety.

            National Blvd. and Clarington Ave.                         1,4       7          C      $       629,629

            Funding is provided to construct a safe accessible route on the north side of National Boulevard. The proposed
            improvements includes new concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveways. This route is adjacent to a Metro Rail

            North Atwater Multimodal Bridge over Los Angeles River      3        7          C      $       693,313
            Funding is provided by the Measure M Local Return Fund for a loan payment for the construction of a new 320-ft long
            cable-stayed bridge to carry pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian traffic.

            Oakfield Drive (4039) Bulkhead                             1,4       9    -      C      $       477,000

            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to install a new steel beam and pre-cast concrete lagging bulkhead to provide
            lateral support to the roadway and to ensure public safety.

            Osborne/Laurel Canyon Left Turn Signal                      1        6    -      C      $       185,000

            Funding is provided by the Measure M Local Return Fund for the installation of a left turn signal at the intersection of
            Osborne and Laurel Canyon.

            Pacific View Drive (7260 – 7280 and 7332)                  1,4       8    -      D      $       219,949

            Funding is provided by the SB1 Fund to reconstruct the asphalt concrete pavement and to install a retaining wall, curb,
            and hand rail to ensure public safety.

            Paseo Miramar (361 – 431)                                   1        9    -      D      $         76,574
            Funding is provided by the Street Damage Restoration Fee Fund to reconstruct the deteriorated section of street and
            driveway, reinstall six curb drains, and construct 203 linear feet of curb and gutter to direct the water into the existing
            gutter located downhill to ensure vehicular safety.

            * "1" Health & Safety, “2” Legal Mandate, “3” Resiliency and Sustainability, “4” Operations and Cost Savings, “5” Equitable Community and Economic
            Sustainability/Social Equity. “SEI” Social Equity Index (See CTIEP Summary for SEI definition). “GI” Green Investment.
            ** “PP” preliminary study. “D” design. “C” construction work. “R/W” land or building acquisition. “PC” post-construction.
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