Page 399 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 399


                                                SCHEDULE 1 -- CITY CONTRIBUTIONS

          To fund the liabilities of the System for future service as required in Article XI Section
          1158 and 1160 of the City Charter in accordance with the actuarial valuation of those
          liabilities as of June 30, 2021 as follows:
          Tier 1
          33.93% of $1,806,158,959 total actuarial salary of Tier 1 members for fiscal year 2022-23.  $         612,829,734
          Tier 3
          31.35% of $717,056,069 total actuarial salary of Tier 3 members for fiscal year 2022-23.             224,797,077
                                                                                            Subtotal  $         837,626,811
          Family Death Benefit Fund
          To match the estimated total amount contributed by Family Death Benefit Plan members
          in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.1090 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC).  $                  47,000

          Excess Benefit Plan Fund
          To fund retirement benefits in excess of the limits set by Internal Revenue Code Section
          415 (b) in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.1800 of the LAAC.                                 1,332,000

          Limited Term Plan Fund
          To fund the Defined Contribution Plan for elected City officials in accordance with the
          provisions of Section 4.1850 of the LAAC.                                                                     55,000

                                                                               Total City Contributions  $         839,060,811
          True-up Adjustments:
          Credit of difference in City contribution based on 2021-22 estimated covered payroll on July 15, 2021  $          (75,194,360)
          compared to actual covered payroll up to February 26, 2022 and projected covered payroll through June 30, 2022.
                                                                    Total City Contributions After True-up   $        763,866,451

          City Contributions by Funding Source:
                                Total                            Contributions
                               Covered         Tier 1 1      Tier 3 1  Shared Cost for   True-up         Total
                               Payroll        (33.93%)      (31.35%)   FDBP/EBP/LTP    Adjustments

          General City (TRAN)  $    2,110,225,622  $      498,540,803  $ 197,770,345  $       1,199,289  $    (65,999,084)  $         631,511,353
          Airports                   289,184,533            79,575,980        20,481,427              164,350          (7,770,973)               92,450,784
          Harbor                      90,798,372            26,047,782          4,254,812                51,603          (1,326,264)               29,027,933
          LACERS                      19,082,101              4,825,515          1,494,608                10,845                79,768                 6,410,736
          LAFPP                       13,924,400              3,839,653             795,886                  7,913             (177,807)                 4,465,645

          Total             $    2,523,215,028  $      612,829,733  $ 224,797,078  $       1,434,000  $    (75,194,360)  $         763,866,451

          1. The total City contribution is based on the contribution rates of 33.93% for Tier 1 and 31.35% for Tier 3, however the allocation to the five
          funding sources is adjusted so that $4,039,848 in costs associated with the enhanced benefits for Airport Peace Officers (who elect to stay in
          LACERS effective January 7, 2018) are borne exclusively by Airports.

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