Page 404 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 404


                                                   APPROPRIATIONS (Continued)
                             Adopted                                                                     Proposed
                             Budget          Estimated                                                    Budget
           Expenditures    Appropriation    Expenditures                                               Appropriation
             2020-21         2021-22          2021-22                                                     2022-23
         $          19,094,404  $          19,491,318  $          19,491,000  Capitalized Expenditures (8).................................................      $          19,476,292
                                     --                              --                              --  Land and Property Acquisition..............................................                              --
                       5,523,240                6,165,809                6,109,000  Equipment Purchases ..........................................................                  11,804,844
                   111,633,696            188,692,952            139,988,000  Construction and Capital Improvements ..............................            180,545,622
         $        136,251,340  $        214,350,079  $        165,588,000  Total Capital Budget.......................................................      $        211,826,758
         $        436,825,973  $        631,857,224  $        576,129,000  Total Operating and Capital Budget..............................  $        622,833,198

         $          16,891,895  $         (36,196,179)  $         (27,452,000)  Accrual Adjustments.............................................................      $          52,485,912
                     45,410,000              88,335,000              88,335,000  Debt Repayments (6)............................................................              40,210,000
         $        499,127,868  $        683,996,045  $        637,012,000  Total Budget....................................................................      $        715,529,110

                                                          Projected Year-End Balances:
         $          65,621,841  $          66,579,363  $          72,412,000  Restricted Cash (9)...........................................................  $        105,036,567
                1,012,011,754            959,596,777 *         1,047,973,000  Unappropriated Balance/Carried Forward.........................         1,017,099,005
         $     1,576,761,463  $     1,710,172,185  $     1,757,397,000  Total Appropriations...........................................................  $     1,837,664,682
         Note:  Rounding of figures may occur.

          (1)  Includes Construction Fund, Debt Service Reserve Fund, China Shipping Funds, Clean Truck Fund, etc.
          (2)  Includes interest and investment income, pass-through grant receipts, settlements, rebates, and other reimbursements.
          (3)  Represents the portion of direct salaries, benefits, and overtime (S&B) and indirect overhead utilized on capital projects.  The S&B expenses are included as positive figures
                 within the "Construction and Capital Improvements" appropriation line, and within the individual projects shown on the Capital Expenditure Improvement Program report.
          (4)  Includes costs associated with the Clean Air Action Plan and the Clean Truck Program.
          (5)  Includes customer incentives, equipment rental, equipment rental maintenance, memberships, subscriptions, environmental remediation, taxes, assessments, etc.
          (6)  FY 2022-23 debt repayment includes $40.2 million for 8/1/22 principal payment.
          (7)  Includes debt issuance costs, pass-through grant disbursements, etc.
          (8)  Includes overhead expenses which are allocated to capital projects.
          (9)  Includes $43.5 million earmarked for use towards Zero Emission (ZE) trucks and related infrastructure.

         *   The FY 2021/22 Adopted Budget includes a $6.2 million transfer to Other Operating Expenses from the Unappropriated Balance approved by the Board in FY 2021/22,
               which increased the initially adopted budget in July 2022 from $300.1 million to $306.2 million.

         I hereby certify that this is a full copy of the Proposed Budget of the Los Angeles Harbor Department for the Fiscal Year 2022-23.

                                                          EUGENE D. SEROKA
                                                          Executive Director

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