Page 406 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 406



                T h e  p ro j e c ts  l i s te d  h e re i n  a r e  th o s e  w h i c h  a r e  to  be  fi n a n c e d  fro m  th e  Harb o r  Rev e n u e  Fu n d  or  s p e c i a l  f u n d s
                The projects listed herein are those which are to be financed from the Harbor Revenue Fund or special funds
                av ai l ab l e  to  th e  B oa rd  of  H arb or  Co m m i s s i o n e r s .  T he  pr oj e c ts  l i s te d  are  to  be  w ho l l y  or  pa r ti al l y  u nd ert ak en  in  FY
                available to the Board of Harbor Commissioners. The projects listed are to be wholly or partially undertaken in FY
                2022-23. The project data shown in this portion of the Budget are presented for information purposes only.
                2022 - 23 .  T h e  p ro j e c t  d a ta  s h o w n  in  th i s  p o rti o n  of  th e  Bu d g e t  a re  p re s e n te d  fo r  i n fo rm a ti o n  p u rp o s e s  only .

                                            ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 2022-23
                                                       (In Thousands of $)

                                                 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS
                      Berth 90-93 - World Cruise Center...............................................................................  $                    2,990
                      Berth 121-131 - Yang Ming Container Terminal............................................................  $                       597
                      Berth 135-147 - TraPac Container Terminal.................................................................  $                           -
                      Berth 171-181 - Pasha Terminal...................................................................................  $                  11,371
                      Berth 212-224 - YTI Container Terminal.......................................................................  $                         15
                      Berth 222-236 - Everport Container Terminal...............................................................  $                       899
                      Berth 300-306 - Fenix Marine Container Terminal........................................................  $                    1,634
                      Berth 400-409 - APMT Container Terminal ..................................................................  $                  34,344
                      Motems (Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards).....................  $                  17,479
                      Miscellaneous Terminal Improvements........................................................................  $                       362
                      Transportation Improvements.......................................................................................  $                  11,542
                      Homeland Security Projects.........................................................................................  $                    4,231
                      Port-wide Public Enhancements...................................................................................  $                    3,706
                      Los Angeles Waterfront................................................................................................  $                  38,439
                      Environmental Enhancements......................................................................................  $                    6,750
                      Harbor Department Facilities........................................................................................  $                  21,762
                      Miscellaneous Projects.................................................................................................  $                  12,425
                      Unallocated Capital Improvement Program Fund.........................................................  $                  12,000

                          Total Construction Projects *....................................................................................  $                180,546

                       Capitalized & Allocated Expenditures..........................................................................  $                  19,476
                       Land and Property Acquisition.....................................................................................  $                          --
                       Equipment Purchases.................................................................................................  $                  11,805
                      Total Capital Improvement ..........................................................................................  $                211,827

                      *  Includes Labor - Salaries & Benefits.
                      Note:  Rounding of figures may occur.

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