Page 39 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 39

Performance Measures

                                                                                               2019-20  2020-21
                                                                   2016-17  2017-18  2018-19  Estimated Projected
         Priority Outcome:Create a more livable and sustainable city
            Goal:  Create a more livable and sustainable city
               Housing and Community Investment
                 Code and Rent Compliance
                    Rental Units Restored to Safe Living Conditions     9,936    11,202    11,783   10,000    10,000
                 Program Operations
                    Number of Domestic Violence Victims Served          1,167     1,222    1,688     1,600     1,600
                 Housing Strategies and Services
                    Total New Homes Purchased or Households Assisted        -       111      141       140      211
                 Accessible Housing Program
                    Accessible Units Certified as Accessible                -         -        -         -        -
               Board of Public Works
                 Office of Community Beautification
                    Percent of Graffiti Removal Requests Completed in 48
                    Hours                                                 86         83       72        75       80
                    Percent of Graffiti Removal Requests Completed in 24  76         73       62        65       70
                 Public Works Accounting
                    Percentage of All Payments Processed within 30 Days     -        87       90        85       90
                 Public Works Board and Board Secretariat
                    Percent of Board Meeting Journals Posted within 24   100         95      100        95      100
               Bureau of Contract Administration
                 Construction Inspection
                    Number of Days for Final Retention Requests to be      2         4         2        2         3
               Bureau of Engineering
                 Development Services and Permits
                    Percent of A Permits Issued within 60 Minutes         99         99       99        99       90
                 Clean Water Infrastructure
                    Number of Completed Clean Water Capital Projects      66         87       60        56       45
                    Number of Completed Mobility Capital Projects         27         22       30        32       25
                 Public Buildings and Open Spaces
                    Number of Completed Building & Open Spaces Capital
                                                                          23         28       25        27       30
               Bureau of Sanitation
                 Watershed Protection
                    Number of Catch Basins Cleaned                     91,021    95,561    90,279   90,000    90,000
                 Clean Water
                    Sewer Miles Cleaned                                 6,830     6,870    6,787     6,750     6,750
                 Solid Resources
                    Citywide Bulky Item Pick-up Rate (percentage)         99       98.8       99        95       99
                 Environmental Quality
                    Average Number of Days to Close Out a Service
                                                                          10         9        10        9         9
               Bureau of Street Lighting
                 Design and Construction
                    Percentage of Streetlights Converted to LED           82         90       95        97       99
               Bureau of Street Services

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